My Favourite Nemesis julkaisee uuden ”We Annihilate I” -nimisen EP:n huhtikuussa: Uusi kappale ”A Paradox You Seek” kuunneltavissa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 16.3.2024

Kotimainen metalcore-yhtye My Favourite Nemesis on julkaisemassa uuden ”We Annihilate I” -nimisen EP:n huhtikuun 26. päivä Seek & Strike Recordsin kautta. Yhtyeen tulevalta EP:ltä on nyt julkaistu video ”A Paradox You Seek” -nimisestä kappaleesta, josta bändillä on seuraavaa kerrottavaa:

”Following the release of our second album, Eidolon, we had some demo tracks already on the works. Writing this time around was more straightforward and everyone in the band was more involved in the whole process. 

“Our newest song, ’A Paradox You Seek,’ was selected as one of the singles because we felt it really stood out from the rest of the tracks. It has a very ominous and dark sound, but still maintains a groovy and melodic feel, which really has become almost a signature for us. Lyrically, the song revolves around past mistakes and coming to terms with the fact that those mistakes shaped us into who we are today.

”We didn’t deliberately go for any major changes in our sound, but this EP could be described as a natural evolution of the band. Every track delivers aggression and emotion more in your face than previously. Overall, the EP sounds more rough and less polished than our older releases. This was the first time Sanna (female vocals) was involved in the writing of the vocals and lyrics from the beginning. With that in mind, we wanted to focus more on writing clean vocal lines and melodies. 

”When it comes to writing lyrics, we wanted to write about subjects we all find important to talk about, such as war, greed, and mental issues. Both Janne’s and Sanna’s writing styles complement each other and come together nicely. What stands out the most on this release, is that the songs really feel like a punch in the gut, yet still have very melodic parts that you can sing along with. Also, the mix sounds massive, but maintains a clarity that allows the listener to hear all the details and dynamics. If you haven’t heard of us before, this EP is the perfect starting point, as we feel this is the strongest material yet. Every track delivers creative rhythmic and melodic groove and is sure to keep anyone hooked and come back for more.”

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