Näin sujuu Meshuggahin ”Bleed” sitarin soittajalta
Sitar on pohjoisintialaisessa kansanmusiikissa käytettävä kielisoitin. Rockmusiikissa kuuluisia sitar ollaan nähty mm. Justin Hawkinsin (The Darkness), Brian Jonesin (The Rolling Stones) sekä George Harrisonin (The Beatles) käsissä. Nyt sitarin soittaja Rishabh Seen on päättänyt tuoda soittimen myös metallimusiikin pariin julkaisemalla coveroinnin Meshuggahin ”Bleed” -kappaleesta sitarilla soitettuna. Voit katsoa coverin sekä lukea Rishabhin viestin coveriin liittyen tästä:
“Firstly – I would like to give a special mention to my dear friend ‘Josh Seguin’ who is the Guitarist for Mute the Saint and his band P.D.P as his own cover video of this song was the source of inspiration for me in which he played this song at 130 BPM.It was his playing and that pushed be to take it further to 136 BPM in this video.
Secondly – The Solo part was recorded live and no digital Speed-ups were used for the whole song which is the Reason why I missed a few strokes here and there.The Sitar sounds a bit shabby because of 1 main reason – It has been forcefully tuned to D sharp where no Sitar is tuned because of a standard scale length. I have kept it all real and taken it as far as I could take it.
Thirdly – This cover is NOT at all to show off or like prove something , but just a sincere effort of putting something real which might be fun to watch and hear.This song became a part of my practice schedule so since I was able to push it , I wanted to give it a try. Love the original tempo’s feel a lot, but here is just something which to me was an insane experience. Learnt A lot!
Can’t wait to share my band’s original music as you read it!Thank you very much! – Rishabh Seen”
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