Näin taipuu ”Simple Man” entiseltä Killswitch Engage -laulaja Howard Jonesilta

Kirjoittanut Joonas Arppe - 7.12.2020

Killswitch Engagen nokkamiehenä vuosina 2003-2012 toiminut Howard Jones esitti The Oyster -podcastissa tulkintansa Lynyrd Skynyrdin ikivihreästä hitistä ”Simple Man”. Jones taisteli Killswitch Engagesta poistuttuaan kaksisuuntaisen mielialahäiriön kanssa ja aloitti lyhyen tauon jälkeen uuden projektinsa Devil You Know yhdessä All Shall Perish– ja Devolved-muusikoiden kanssa; yhtye vaihtoi kahden albumin jälkeen nimensä Light The Torchiksi.

Viime vuonna Killswitch Engagen ”The Signal Firella” vieraillut Jones kertoi aiemmin paluustaan musiikin pariin tämän lopetettua yhtyeessä:

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”Honestly, I think it was because I was just kind of tired of doing nothing and I don’t do much else other than music. I felt like I needed to venture out because I was basically agoraphobic for three years. It’s kind of well known. I went off the grid. I didn’t have a cell phone for three years — I was gone. It felt, like, ’Okay, maybe I should dip my toe in. I don’t have to do it full time. I don’t have to do what I don’t want to do.’ That’s all I was thinking. I started moving, I started doing things. It was definitely a struggle, especially for the first few years. I was, like, ’What am I doing?’ There’s been few things in my life that has been consistent other than music. I just did it. It just took some time, then all of the sudden, the spark showed up. I fell back in love with what I was doing. I really can’t explain it. It just sort of happened.”

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