Narcotic Wastelandin uusi kappale kuunneltavissa
Yhdysvaltalaisen death metallia soittavan Nilen vokalistin Dallas Toler-Waden uusi projekti Narcotic Wasteland on julkaissut verkossa uuden kappaleensa nimeltä ”The Shackles Of Sobriety”. Kyseinen kappale tulee löytymään yhtyeen omaa nimeä kantavalta debyyttialbumilta, joka tullaan julkaisemaan huomenna 15. päivä tammikuuta. Lue lisää kuunnellaksesi kyseinen kappale sekä lukeaksesi Dallas Toler-Waden virallinen viesti projektiin liittyen.
“The song topics vary a bit, but the whole of the album is about hard drug abuse. Anything from prescription drugs, hard street drugs, to alcohol abuse and how they are affecting us as a society. I got the name for the band after completing the first song I wrote for the project, which is called “Widespread Narcotic Wasteland.” The song talks about some of what I have observed and some of the things that have happened to me just living my life in a normal neighborhood while watching it crumble around me because of the ever growing criminal activity in the area. This gave me a lot of new ideas for more songs, so I just kept my head down and worked on this record whenever I had the time.
As far as the music, it was just happening naturally like it always does. No pressure to go at maximum beats per minute, although some of the songs are fast. I just wanted to write some heavy tunes about some of what I have experienced and observed. Overall it’s just a big snort of reality.”
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