Necrottedilta kolmas single tulevalta albumilta musiikkivideon kera

Kirjoittanut Niko Kuusela - 9.3.2021

Saksalainen death metal -yhtye Necrotted on julkaissut järjestyksessään kolmannen singlensä ”Compolsory Consuption” tulevalta albumiltaan ”Operation: Mental Castration”, joka julkaistaan maaliskuun 19. päivä Reaper Entertainmentin kautta. Bändi kommentoi:

”We’re excited to present our new song ‘Compulsory Consumption’ today. It’s the third single of our upcoming album ‘Operation: Mental Castration’ and comes up with a special story music video.
While the music already creates a sluggish and rough, but also a melancholic-melodic atmosphere, the film can be quite disturbing and disgusting. The song and the video criticize the consumer fetishism of the capitalist economic and social order and the systemic compulsion to consume that affects the individuals living in it. This has been cinematically displayed in a controversial representation using an excessive feeding frenzy in which the five band members serve as actors. The video shoot took a lot out of us personally – morally and physically. But we’re all the more convinced of the final product. We hope that the message of the song and video will be properly understood, resonate with our fans and provide the audience something to think about.”

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