Nekrogoblikon kunnioitti Alexi Laihon muistopäivää julkaisemalla coverin Children Of Bodomin ”Bodom Beach Terror” -kappaleesta

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 31.12.2022

Kotimaisen metallimusiikin legendoihin lukeutuvan Alexi Laihon kuolemasta tuli kuluneeksi 28. päivä joulukuuta kaksi vuotta. Laiho toimi uransa aikana innoittajana lukuisille eri yhtyeille ja nyt yhdysvaltalainen melodista death metalia esittävä Nekrogoblikon on julkaissut oman versionsa Children Of BodominBodom Beach Terror” -kappaleesta osoittaakseen oman kunnianosoituksen edesmenneelle kitaristisuuruudelle. Yhtye alusti julkaisemaansa coveria seuraavasti:

“There is no single other band or artist that I can say has had as much of a musical influence on Nekrogoblikon as Children of Bodom, and I can say with confidence that had I not been exposed to Alexi Laiho‘s compositions and playing style I would be a completely different guitar player today.

Upon being collectively saddened by Alexi‘s passing in the midst of the pandemic, we began revisiting the COB albums that had the greatest impact on us and decided to record a cover of “Bodom Beach Terror” off of Hate Crew Deathroll. We each recorded our parts ourselves from home and made it a point to be as faithful to the original recording as possible.

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Hope you enjoy listening to this tribute as much as we enjoyed recording it, and long live the legacy of Alexi Laiho and Children of Bodom!”