
Nervosan riveissä muutoksia: Yhtyeen rumpali Michaela Naydenova jättää yhtyeen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 16.1.2024

Brasilialaisen metalliyhtye Nervosan rivistössä on tapahtumassa muutoksia sillä yhtyeessä ainoastaan vuoden ajan soittanut rumpali Michaela Naydenova on päättänyt jättää yhtyeen. Naydenova kommentoi lähtöään bändistä seuraavasti:

“At the end of the last year I decided to end my journey with @nervosathrash and the time has come to announce it publicly. The reason is to provoke myself to experiment more in the musical field. And, of course, I will still be playing drums 

I was almost one year in the band, had super fun, saw and played many great places and gained a lot of experience for the short amount of time. Met a lot of people and I am thankful to every one of them for their time and energy! 

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Thank you @prikaamaral , @helenakotinaofficial and @helpyre for all the great memories, wish you the best of luck with Nervosa

Let’s see what 2024 has to offer”

Nervosa toivottaa Michaela Naydenovalle kaikkea hyvää tulevaisuuteen:

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“We are very thankful for everything! We wish you the best of luck.”

Nervosan uudeksi rumpaliksi on valittu Gabriela Abud, joka kommentoi pestiään seuraavasti:

“It is with great pleasure that I announce my entrance into the @nervosathrash . Since I was a child, I have followed the band’s career with great admiration!

Being able to live this moment is the realization of a dream. I couldn’t be happier and more excited!!

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Thank you very much to my friends and family who have always supported me on my journey. I love you all very much.

To my bandmates, I can’t wait to experience this moment with you.”