New Model Armysta tuttu Justin Sullivan julkaisee toisen soololevynsä ”Surrounded” toukokuussa
New Model Army -yhtyeen keulahahmona tunnettu Justin Sullivan julkaisee soolouransa toisen albumin ”Surrounded” 28. toukokuuta 2021 earMUSICin kautta. Albumi seuraa 18 vuotta sitten julkaistua ”Navigating by the Stars” -albumia.
”Surrounded” on kuudentoista kappaleen kokoelma, joka on sävelletty viime kevään aikana ja äänitetty kotikonstein. Albumilla kuullaan vierailevina artisteina Jon Thornea (Lamb), Tom Mothia (Florence and the Machine), säveltäjä Tobias Untenbergia, Henning Nügelia ja Shir-Ran Yinonia. Heidän lisäksi albumilla kuullaan myös New Model Armyn nykyistä kokoonpanoa. Levyn on miksannut New Model Armyllekin tuttu Lee Smith.
Justin Sullivan kommentoi albumia seuraavasti:
”Under the circumstances, it wasn’t particularly surprising that this was the moment to make another solo record and the songs came thick and fast in the first few weeks of the lockdown. There is not so much about ‘what’s happening in the World’. As with ’Navigating by the Stars’, which was written in the aftermath of 9/11, I wanted to write about other things – some well-known stories, some less well-known, some autobiographical and more a landscape of the imagination than social comment. I’m grateful for all the many musical contributions I received from friends that help create all the different atmospheres and places; it’s a long album, but it seems that all the songs belonged together in one collection. I hope people enjoy it.”
Albumin ensimmäinen single musiikkivideoineen on nyt katsottavissa. Sullivan kommentoi ”Amundsen”-kappaletta:
”The stories of polar (and in particular Antarctic) adventurers at the beginning of the 20th Century have long been a fascination. On my first solo record, the song ’Ocean Rising’ is, in part, the story of Ernest Shackleton’s epic voyage from Elephant Island to South Georgia. The final race to reach the South Pole between Roald Amundsen and Robert Scott is another fascinating tale. Being raised in England, Scott and his ’noble, tragic’ failure is a story written large in national mythology but the other man, a truly remarkable explorer, is rarely acknowledged. The battle over who gets to tell which version of a story is very relevant in these times of ’culture wars’, but the song is more a simple study of the man himself; I hope I have done him justice.”
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy
Alla levun kansitaide, kappalelista sekä ”Amundsen”-musiikkivideo.
01. Dirge
02. Amundsen
03. Coming With Me
04. Clean Horizon
05. Stone And Heather
06. 28th May
07. Akistan
08. Unforgiven
09. Sao Paulo
10. 1975
11. Sea Again
12. Clear Skies
13. Rip Tides
14. Daughter Of The Sun
15. Ride
16. Surrounded