LPRHC Festeille saapuva New Yorkin hardcore-legenda Agnostic Front uuden albumin kimpussa

Elokuussa Lappeenrannan LPRHC Festeille saapuva New York -hardcoren legenda Agnostic Front on aloittanut uuden albuminsa työstämisen. Bändi kertoi aiheesta Heavy New York -sivustolleen antamassaan haastattelussa. Uusi levy on jatkoa vuonna 2015 ilmestyneelle albumille ”The American Dream Died”.
“Absolutely. We started pre-production on a couple of new songs. They’re coming out pretty badass; I’m happy with them because a lot of stuff is happening in the Agnostic Front camp. I just released my book, ‘My Riot’, that’s been a big thing and I did a tour around it, which is awesome. Now we have that film, ‘The Godfathers Of Hardcore’, which is going to be another level. There’s a lot of positive, good stuff coming out, but not just Agnostic Front, but New York hardcore, but hardcore worldwide. All this stuff is positive for our message, people that follow us, it’s good for hardcore, period.”