Nickelback vokalisti mielissään lontoolaisen miehen aloittamasta kampanjasta
Uutisoimme sivustollamme hiljattain lontoossa asuvasta Craig Mandell -nimisestä miehestä, joka on aloittanut kampanjan, jonka avulla hän yrittää saada kaikki Nickelbackin keikat peruttua Lontoossa tulevaisuudessa. Nickelbackin vokalisti Chad Kroeger on nyt kommentoinut virallisesti kyseistä tapahtumaa hiljattain antamassaan haastattelussa.
”I love it,” he said. ”I hope the money goes to charity and not in this guy’s pocket. More controversy that surrounds either myself, my personal life, the band, whatever — I think it’s hilarious.
”All these critics, they’re just tireless. They keep ragging on the band. If they had stopped writing all this stuff about us, there would be no controversy left in the band and we probably would have died out years ago. They don’t know that they’re still responsible for us being [laughs] around today.”
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