Nightwish jäämässä vuoden pituiselle tauolle ensi vuonna: Floor Jansen kumoaa huhut yhtyeen sisäisistä riidoista

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 14.4.2016

Nightwish Espoo 1Kotimaisen metallin lippulaiva Nightwish aikoo pitää vuoden mittaisen tauon ensi vuonna. Yhtyeen vokalisti Floor Jansen on antanut hiljattain AXS -nimiselle radiokanavalle, jossa Floorilta on kysytty mietteitä yhtyeen tulevaisuuden suunnitelmista vuoden mittaisen tauon suhteen. Floor on haastattelussa todennut, että tauko ei todellakaan johdu yhtyeen sisäisistä ristiriidoista kuten netissä on huhuttu vaan yksinkertaisesti vain loman tarpeesta. Voit lukea Floorin mietteitä tauosta tästä:

”Well, the first thing that’s gonna happen after this world tour is that we’re gonna take a whole year off, which is something that in the twenty years of NIGHTWISH never happened.”

”Even though we will have this year off, it doesn’t have anything to do with how things are in the band. I’ve seen some people starting to gossip online of why we [would] take a year off. We’ll take a year off because we can and because we want to. That’s all there is to it. It has nothing to do with how things are in the band. And it also doesn’t mean that we haven’t been thinking about what’s coming next; we have a lot of cool stuff coming up. So we hope that, after this break, people will still be equally excited to come out and see whatever we’ve got cooking up in our kitchen for them.”

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Kysyttäessä onko syy vuoden taukoon Nightwishin kasvavissa kiertueissa viime vuosina kertoo Floor seuraavaa:

”No, not really, ’cause the world tours are not longer or anything more than on previous runs. But if you think about it, twenty years without a break, that has way more to do with it than anyting else. And also ’cause, you know, we’re a bunch of very creative people. As you can see, everybody in the band has been having side projects. So it’s nice to take the time for that, or to take the time away. To keep things fresh, you sometimes need to take distance. I think it’s very healthy — more healthy than bands that would just go, go, go, go, go and wear themselves out. But I only can see this in a very positive way. Neverheless, this [current] world tour will last for a fair amount of months. We have a lot of places that we’re going to that we’re looking forward to a lot. So it’s not there yet. But until that time, we will rock your socks off. [Laughs]”

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