Northward: Floor Jansen & Jørn Lofstad, 2018.

Nightwish-laulaja Floor Jansen mukaan hollantilaiseen ”Beste Zangers” -tv-sarjaan

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 14.4.2019
Northward: Floor Jansen & Jørn Lofstad, 2018.

Kotimaisesta sinfonisen metallin jättiläisestä Nightwishista nykyisin tunnettu laulaja Floor Jansen on paljastanut oman Facebook-sivunsa kautta aikovansa osallistua kotimaassaan Hollannissa järjestettävään suosittun tv-sarjaan nimeltä ”Best Zangers” (”Best Singers”). Ohjelman ideana on, että seitsemän eri genren laulajaa laulaa toistensa kappaleita omalla tyylillään ja sitten kappaleiden esitykset arvioidaan kilpailun tuomareiden toimesta. Sarjan kuvaukset alkavat ensi viikolla Ibizalla ja ohjelma tulee ulos elokuussa. Floor on itse pestistä innoissaan ja on kommentoinut sitä seuraavasti:

”I am proud and happy to announce that I will join the Dutch TV show ’Best Singers’ (Beste Zangers). This show is all about music and singing and despite the name, has nothing to do with whom is best. Seven singers participate and we will sing each other’s music, but in our own style.

I think it is great they asked me, as a metalhead, to be a part of this. As you might know about me, I think it is a pity that mainstream media in The Netherlands has avoided ’our music’ for years and years. The ’stigma’ metal makes that many great songs will never be heard by a larger audience.

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As an ambassador of good music, I think that everyone should have access to more diverse music, and then it is up to the listeners to decide whether they like it or not. This choice is not offered nowadays. Us metalheads know well what ’they’ miss out on and because of this TV show I get a chance to share good music. I will also get challenged to dive into the genres and styles of the other singers, as they will be when they sing my music.

I have always enjoyed diversity and I get a great opportunity to show this.

The TV show will be recorded on Ibiza this coming week and broadcasted on Dutch TV in August. Social media will be on it so you will get the chance to see it wherever you live on this beautiful planet!”

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