Nightwishin Floor Jansen: ”Skunk Anansien Skin on rockin jumalatar!”
Suomalaisen metallimusiikin suurimpiin nimiin kuuluvan Nightwishin vokalisti Floor Jansen on kertonut BBC’n ”The Rock Show With Johnnie Walker” -radio-ohjelmassa oman mielipiteensä rockin jumalattaresta. Jansen kertoo, että vaikka rock-jumala on suuri sana, on hänen valintansa brittiläisen rock-yhtye Skunk Anansien maanläheinen vokalisti Skin. Jansen perustelee valintaansa seuraavalla tavalla:
”I’m here to talk about my ’rock goddess,’ which, to me, is Skin from Skunk Anansie. I chose her because I think she, first and foremost, has an amazing voice. As a vocalist, that was the thing I appreciate her most for. Besides the fact, she writes fantastic music — bound-breaking stuff. She dares to be different and stand out and speak her mind, both on stage as behind the scenes. I think that’s something to be mentioned for. Even though I think ’rock god’ is a big word, I think she is very down to earth.”
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Koko radio-ohjelman voit kuunnellä täältä. Floor Jansenin osuus alkaa kohdasta 42.07.