Testament Rockfest 2023

Nightwishin Floor Jansen vierailee Testamentin tulevalla albumilla

Kirjoittanut Ingeborg Roos - 22.10.2024

Legendaarisen thrash metal -yhtye Testamentin nokkamies Chuck Billy kertoi tuoreessa AMFM Magazinen haastattelussa, että yhtyeen tulevalla albumilla tulee vierailemaan Nightwishin Floor Jansen. Billyn mukaan kyseessä on hitaampi kappale, jonka hän laulaa duettona Jansenin kanssa. Albumin toivotaan ilmestyvän ensi vuonna.
Billy kertoi:

“On this record, I don’t wanna say the word ‘ballad’, but we wrote a slower song like we had back in the ’80s and ’90s that we wrote on this record. And it’s really awesome, really good. We’re gonna bring in a guest vocalist, Floor Jansen from Nightwish. She’s gonna sing on it with me. And we’re gonna put in some string section into the song.

“We’re not afraid to take those chances where a lot of bands criticize you, like, ‘Oh, we don’t write ballads. ‘What are you doing that for?’ But you know what? At this point in our lives and career, we’re writing to make us happy first and foremost and what feels good, what feels right, and this song just felt right right now to kind of do this again.”

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