Nightwishin uudelta vokalistilta päivitys Yhdysvalloista

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 7.10.2012

Kotimaisen metallia soittavan Nightwishin uusi vokalisti Floor Jansen on postittanut verkkoon uuden päivityksen liittyen Nightwishin Yhdysvaltojen kiertueeseen. Lue lisää nähdäksesi Floorin päivitys.

”I am writing to you from our backstage in a venue called The Grove in Anaheim. I will go back to where I left you at the last blog, in San Francisco.

”In my last words, I was hoping to see something of the city. There was no time for this for me, though. Fully consumed by all the new things, saving all my energy for the show. My cold was nasty as well, so I focused on the show, and the show only!

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”It was a great one!!! The venue was beautiful and gave the magical NIGHTWISH show and extra glance with its theatrical look.

”This was the third show and for me things were getting easier (even though I did miss some words here and there :-) The fun in the backstage was superb as well, just a great and magical night all the way through!!!

”We had a day off after this one and we spend it in L.A. We had a great BBQ with our dear promoter John and some of the guys had some energy left to go to the famous Rainbow Bar. I went back to my hotel room for a nice long sleep to fight the cold and to get all my reserves back to go for the next round of three shows!

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”Today we are in Anaheim, right next to Disneyland! We took a taxi to Disney Downtown and enjoyed the sun, the stores and the ’world within a world’ there for a little while.

”Right now I’ll be preparing myself for a second meet-and-greet and, of course, the show tonight! I look forward to it!!!”