Nile julkaisee uransa kymmenennen albuminsa Napalm Recordsin kautta

Yhdysvaltalainen death metal -veteraani Nile on solminut sopimuksen Napalm Recordsin kanssa. Yhtyeen pääasiallinen kappaleiden kirjoittaja kitaristi Karl Sanders kertoo sopimuksesta seuraavaa:
“The band is eagerly looking forward to bringing fans the next chapters in the NILE saga, as part of the Napalm Family. We have been quietly working away, earnestly writing new songs for the next NILE album. It will be NILE’s 10th record, and we are determined to make it especially killer for the fans.”
Yhtyeen rumpali George Kollias jatkaa:
“Absolutely thrilled that we are a part of Napalm Records and super excited for the new album that’s coming soon, first one with our new label! I feel this is a very crucial moment in our career and I would like to thank Napalm Records for their trust in us – I know we will do some incredible music together! NILE has always kept raising the bar without compromising a single thing and this is what we will do for the next album too. Working on our new album as we speak, and we are hungry as hell to deliver our very best yet!”