Nile nauhoittamassa uutta albumia
Yhdysvaltalainen death metal -yhtye Nile on studiossa nauhoittamassa tulevaa, vielä nimeämätöntä albumiaan. Lue lisää nähdäksesi bändin nokkamiehen/kitaristin Karl Sandersin Facebook-postaus asiasta.
“We are finished tracking drums for the new Nile album – George , Dallas , Neil kernon and I spent a week with Bob Moore at the Soundlab in Columbia SC ,
tracking drums .
We were expecting a long grueling session – some of this material is very compositionally challenging and technically demanding ; but George knocked it out , finishing a FULL WEEK ahead of schedule. OMG. Some of the drumming on this record will be boggling people’s minds for years to come.
At the moment we are back in greenville , and will commence tracking guitars any day now.
Fuck yeah !”Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy