Nilen Karl Sanders mukana uudella Blindfolded And Led To The Woods -raidalla

Vuonna 2014 debyyttialbuminsa ”My Vaseline Diaries” julkaissut uusiseelantilainen Blindfolded And Led To The Woods yhdisti voimansa Nilen kitaristi-laulaja Karl Sandersin kanssa uudella singlellään ”Atop The Wings Of A Magpie”. Kappaleen ohella julkaistu musiikkivideo on aiemmin Behemothin ja Ghostin kanssa työskennelleen ohjaaja Zev Deansin käsialaa. Karl Sanders kommentoi projektiin osallistumistaan Nilen virallisilla kanavilla:
”I had first heard of Blindfolded and Led to the Woods when they were slated to be on the bill on the Nile New Zealand shows we had scheduled earlier this year. Well that entire New Zealand /Australia/ Japan run got axed by the 2020 Coronapocalypse; but I really, really liked these guys and their music. They have a crushing modern but very genuinely apocalyptic sound, AND the musicianship is insane AND the atmosphere/feeling incredibly vivid and moving. So of course I said hell fucking yes when they asked if I would be interested in sharing some vocals on one of their new songs.”