Nilen kitaristi antaa palautetta keikkoja nauhoittaville faneilleen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 19.2.2014

Nile 2012 (5)Yhdysvaltalaisen death metallia soittavan Nilen kitaristi / vokalisti Karl Sanders on antanut hiljattain Metal Wani -nimiselle lehdelle haastattelun, jossa kertoo ärsyyntyneensä heidän keikkojaan kännyköillä nauhoittavista faneista. Lue lisää nähdäksesi Karlin viesti asiaan liittyen.

“When you are taking your phone, cell phone, or your video camera, or whatever it is, and you’re busy filming the show, you are not in the show. You are no longer a part of the experience. When people are involved in the show, when you’re listening to the band, you’re watching the band, your fist is there, you’re headbanging, you’re moshing, you’re involved. Then you are part of the singular community experience.

All of us are focused on the same energy, and that’s an incredible experience. You can feel that, it’s real, the band and fans they unite, they’re together.
So when I see people out there you know with their cellphones, texting or you know ‘filming the show’ or whatever; they’re missing out on a incredible, wonderful live experience that they could be part of.

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And that hurts me, that discourages me. You know, what if you are in bed with your girlfriend, and you are making love with her and she’s texting…”

It bothers me so much that if people do it right in front of me, I will take their cellphones from them.

If they’re going to like stick a camera, or a cellphone camera or a video camera right in my face I’d say ‘fuck you, go away. Go twenty feet back’. Because that place right in the front. That should be for someone who really wants to be at the show, who wants to get involved. And if you are texting or whatever, you’re cheating that fan out of a place where he could be enjoying music.”

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