Nonpoint siirtyi studioon nauhoittamaan tulevaa albumiaan
Yhdysvaltalainen rockia soittava Nonpoint on siirtynyt studioon nauhoittamaan tulevaa vielä nimeämätöntä albumiaan. Lue lisää nähdäksesi yhtyeen viesti asiaan liittyen.
“Yesterday we entered Uptown Studiso in Chicago and did a brand new version of Spanish 101 called Spanish 102. Needless to say that the talents of Dave, Rasheed and Adam totally shine on this track and we added a lot of percussion and a killer ending and the track has was turned into an almost 9 minute song. Today Elias lays down vocals. Thank you Rob at Uptown for this amazing opportunity. This is the most creative version of that song. Rabia, Orgullo, Latino jam and a sick ending. WOW!!!”