Norjalainen Krakow julkaisi musiikkivideon kappaleeseen ”The Stranger”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 17.1.2019

Norjalainen metalliyhtye Krakow on julkaissut uuden musiikkivideon kappaleeseen ”The Stranger”, joka on poiminta yhtyeen viimeisimmältä albumilta ”Minus”. Yhtye kommentoi musiikkivideota seuraavasti:

”Imagine a world where all you know to be true is also the opposite. Where every truth has an alternate side, and where there are heads on both sides of the coin and where the mirrors point both ways. Doesn’t take much to make that leap of faith, now does it? But still, beyond the second truth may be another, and another, and yet another version of reality. Layers, levels, dimensions, infinite snapshots of moments frozen in time, always existing yet forever lost.

This is the gift ”The Stranger” carries, as he walks towards you, kaleidoscope in hand and an inviting smile. Ahead of you is a journey through KRAKOW’s complete musical universe, a distillation of all that KRAKOW ever was or will ever be. All the same this is like nothing the band has ever created before – a perfect song, a perfectly told story, a perfect snapshot of the Krakowian spirit.

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The choice is yours now, and only you will see what is there for you to see.

Esteban Farias has outdone his talent on this one and truly captured the essence of ”The Stranger”! Thank you.”

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