Norjalaisen avant-garde metalliyhtyeen Enslavedin tulevan albumin tiedot julki: luvassa matka kaoottisen ja vaarallisen ”Utgardin” läpi

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 8.4.2020

Norjalainen avant-garde -metallia soittava Enslaved on julkaisemassa seuraavan, ”Utgard”-nimisen albuminsa syksyllä 2020 Nuclear Blast Recordsin kautta. Yhtye nauhoitti albuminsa Duper- ja Solslottet-studioissa Bergenissä Norjassa ja albumin miksasi Fascination Street -studiossa Örebrossa Ruotsissa Jens Bogren. Yhtyeen tulevan albumin tiedot on nyt julkaistu ja voit katsoa ne tästä:

Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen
Mainos päättyy

1. Fires In The Dark
2. Jettegryta
3. Sequence
4. Homebound
5. Utgardr
6. Urjotun
7. Flight Of Thought And Memory
8. Storms Of Utgard
9. Distant Seasons

Bändi kertoo lehdistötiedotteessa tulevasta albumistaan seuraavaa:

”’Utgard’ bears countless meanings to us; an image, metaphor, an esoteric ’location’, a word on its own etc – on different levels and layers. From Norse mythology we know it as a landscape were the giants roam; where the gods of Asgard have no control; dangerous, chaotic, uncontrollable and where madness, creativeness, humor and chaos dwells.

Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen
Mainos päättyy

The album is a journey into and through ’Utgard’. It is a place of unification of that which is above and that which lies below. It is not about avoiding fear of the pitch-black darkness (it will keep on growing until the next confrontation), but to go into the darkness itself. This is the rebirth of the individual. In a world that has become so obsessed with the false lights of greed, jealousy and egotism this is a necessary journey.

’Utgard’ is not a fairytale, it is a vital part of both your mind and your surroundings, and it has been since the dawn of mankind. Acknowledging that this realm exists and is a vital part of the self, has inspired us deeply since the early days of our lives. Enjoy our journey to the outer limits.”