North Kingsleyltä musiikkivideo kappaleelle ”Rifle In Thought”
System Of A Downin basisti Shavo Odadjianin uusi bändi North Kingsley on julkaissut musiikkivideon kappaleelleen ”Rifle In Thought”. Kappale on yhtyeen joulukuussa ulos tulleelta ”Vol. 2” EP:ltä. Yhtyeen vokalisti Ray Hawthorne kuvailee kappaletta seuraavasti:
“Writing ”Rifle In Thought” was a much different experience than many of our other songs. The idea was to write a song that was outside of my own perspective. Through the writing process I would remind myself that I wanted it to appear sort of vapid on a surface level, but if someone really dove into the lyrics there would be a deeper overarching theme to everything being said. The main character of this song is an unreliable narrator who is unaware of how he truly feels, and is completely blind to the path that he is clearly on. He often contradicts himself and is much more mailable than he would choose to believe.”
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