Nyt kommentoi Corey Taylorin maskin luonut kauhuelokuvalegenda Tom Savini: ”Mielestäni maski on loistava!”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 12.6.2019

Yhdysvaltalaisen metallijätti Slipknotin uudet maskit jakavat yhä mielipiteitä varsin rajusti. Monet bändin faneista ovat pettyneitä erityisesti laulaja Corey Taylorin uuteen maskiin, jonka laulaja loi yhdessä kauhuelokuvalegenda Tom Savinin kanssa. Nyt Tom Savini on itse kommentoinut luomaansa maskia Revolver Magazinelle ja kertonut, että kaikesta negatiivisesta palautteesta huolimatta hän on itse maskiin tyytyväinen ja että se on loistava. Voit lukea tästä Savinin ajatuksia Taylorin maskista ja siitä, kuinka hän päätyi mukaan tekemään sitä:

”It’s amazing. I was on a plane with my wife looking at old photographs, and there’s a picture of her with Corey in 2014. I think it was my assistant, Jason Baker, who talked to him backstage at a show and Corey mentioned needing a mask. I guess my assistant said, like, ’Hey, I work for Tom Savini,’ and the next thing you know Corey Taylor is in my house playing with my cats, then we made a cast of him. Then we did the mask, and the mask has gone crazy! There was a lot of negative response, initially. I just got a copy of Kerrang! with Corey talking about the man behind the mask — about me — in that magazine, but the fans were like, ’Savini? Oh shit, my sister could have done better than that.’ Someone even fastened a milk carton to their face and posted a side-by-side and said, ’Nailed it!’ Regardless, the mask looks excellent.”

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My profound pleasure to be a guest @thetomsavini house. Still geeking out- thank you so much for having me!!

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Oh fuck??? Wonder what Corey Taylor thinks about Corey Taylor’s mask resembling a sloth!!


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Posted by Vikas Bizkid Salgia on Friday, May 17, 2019

I knew that Corey Taylor’s new #Slipknot mask reminded me of something

Posted by Matt Neglia on Saturday, May 18, 2019

Posted by Noah ”Shark” Robertson on Monday, May 27, 2019

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