Oceanon laulaja Adam Warren jättää yhtyeen

Kirjoittanut Kasper Piippo - 21.11.2024

Yhdysvaltalaisen deathcore-yhtye Oceanon laulaja Adam Warren on ilmoittanut jättävänsä yhtyeen. Warrenin lähdön syy pohjautuu runsaaseen palautteeseen, jota yhtye on saanut aikaisemmin tällä viikolla ilmoittamastaan kiertueesta. Oceanon oli tarkoitus lähteä kiertueelle yhdessä Attilan, Dealerin ja Nathan Jamesin kanssa. Kahdessa näistä neljästä yhtyeestä on jäseniä, joilla on historiaa seksuaalirikosten tai syytösten kanssa.

Vuonna 2020 Attilan laulaja Chris Fronzakia syytettiin seksuaalisesta väärinkäytöstä sen aikaista tyttöystäväänsä kohtaan. Fronzak kuitenkin kiisti syytteet, eikä tuomiota ikinä tullut. Myös Attilan sen aikaista rumpalia Bryan McClurea syytettiin raiskauksesta, ja hän saikin potkut yhtyeestä.

Dealer-yhtyeen laulajan Aidan Ellaz Holmesin historiasta löytyykin useampikin tapaus. Vuonna 2018 hän jätti alkuperäisen yhtyeensä Alpha Wolfin, koska häntä syytettiin seksuaalisesta hyväksikäytöstä. Sen jälkeen Holmesia kohtaan esittivät syytöksiä myös yhtyetoverit Dealerista, mikä johti siihen, että kaikki muut jäsenet Holmesia lukuun ottamatta jättivät yhtyeen.

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Nyt Oceanoa syytetään rahan valitsemisesta moraalin sijaan, koska he suostuivat kiertueeseen. Yhtyeen laulaja Adam Warren kertoo, että hän ei ollut tietoinen kiertuetovereidensa historiasta. Warren julkaisi seuraavan pitkähkön tiedotteen tilanteesta ja päätöksistään:

“Believe it or not some people don’t spend their life on the internet. My only goal has been to take opportunities to push Oceano forward since the fans said they wanted it. You will not make me out to be a bad person for things I am not connected to when it comes to what other bands members do.

There was a time in my life when I was in a social media high horse, and I don’t agree with that nor plan to act like I am better than anyone nor that I know the details to anyone else’s business. I wasn’t aware of the depth of accusations with Attila and associates. I remind you, Oceano was not active for a long time before now.

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I don’t even know anything about Dealer besides the bands name I’ve heard when they first came out years ago?. Didn’t they break up? I did not even know what any other bands on the tour would be beyond Attila until long after we agreed and no one in my circle cited any issues with our decision to take the tour.

I think that before judging the innocent band just taking what seemed like a decent opportunity and has never been associated with these bands before, you should look towards the agents, managers, venues, websites and festivals that all continue to support, book, and clearly downplay to their own clients the character of people their (good) bands work with.

If you continue to read, keep asking yourself WHAT words have I said that are harmful? No one knew my circumstances nor my perspective until this moment. And I will stress, I don’t support any type of abuse or harm to anyone ever. But I’m not paying attention to what YOU all or anyone in the music scene personally does on the internet. I don’t have time for that.

So it is clear I was not informed enough to make a proper decision to tour with this package. I’ve never experienced bands causing such a stir and I was not made aware until announcing the tour of people with such serious allegations surrounding them being on a tour I’m going to be on. I encourage anyone who is directly affected by those people/bands to contact the authorities/police and take legal action.

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I have been nothing but kind and positive within this music scene especially on that internet side and that can be hard sometimes. A year ago We almost ended Oceano for good. We had an album to drop but we def were done. I had ZERO idea my name is being tossed around alongside fucking people who have people accusing them of horrible things. And getting upset with ME, because I’m just hearing about it? In real time people swarmed me while I was still figuring out what was going on.

Y’all are vicious and clearly seek chaos without care of who it effects. Thought I have been blessed with much opportunity, as we enter a more connected era I have felt very disrespected over the years from a scene that really is more a facade than a real concept in reality. After gathering my own information on the subject OF COURSE we will be removing Oceano from the tour.

But shame on all of you who tried to make me the scapegoat. What are YOU doing to change this culture besides point fingers and reshare rumors? It’s time to get to work. I had zero idea the environment I was getting myself into. And I’m talking openly about it. What are YOU doing to change this?

As of today it is clear I am WAY more surrounded by complicit industry people, a metal “scene” riddled with cosplay, worship of band members and less focus on artistic integrity.

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I don’t want to exist to YOU anymore. As of today I quit Oceano and will focus on being a solo Independent artist (Adam On Earth). Oceano’s final shows will now begin being planned for 2025. It feels good to finally say that.” Adam Warren