Of Machines lopettaa (2006-2010)
Aiemmin We Are Kings nimellä tunnettu yhdysvaltalainen post-hardcore -yhtye Of Machines on päättänyt lopettaa uransa. Lue lisää nähdäksesi bändin virallisen viestin aiheesta.
I’ve been turning this over in my head for weeks, now. At first I was angry, then confused, then incredibly bummed, until, finally, I was able to come to grips with it … Of Machines is over. I don’t think everyone in the band fully understood what we had accomplished in such a short amount of time. None of us have been so lucky to start a band and with in 3 months of being together and not even have played a single show, got signed. it was an amazing feeling to go from nothing to touring across the U.S. During our time as Of Machines we went on 8 U.S. Tours and sold more than 8,000+ cds, this is the most i had ever done in my life and probably ever will.Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyBut this was not enough to keep Dylan. Dylan left Of Machines the week after our last tour with he guys in Love Hate Hero. He almost did this to us on our second tour because of the bands finical problems but he ended up staying and waiting until now.. the stress of finical issues, pressure from family and a ever developing mind set has forced him to leave the band in search of who he is and what he is meant to do in life.Dylan leaving created a domino effect. almost immediately after Dylan’s departure Jon decided it would be to much work to find a new singer and felt like this would never be the same. So he has decided to pursue his dream of becoming a culinary artist at la cordon blue. This left me (Mike), Brent and our new keyboardist Jason. We were determined to make things work until we lost the support of Rise and Artery. After this happen we knew it just wasn’t going to happen for us there is no way to make this work.
I will be posting everything we had ever demoed, messed around with, anything and everything we had ever did on the myspace shortly. Also i will be selling the last of our merch and cds for very very cheap if anyone is still interested in any of it.
Damn.. I’m going to miss all of this. I can’t believe that this has all happened. I just want to say thank you to everyone that has ever let us chill with them, stay at there House, or eat there food. We experienced so many crazy things. From drunk people beating up our van, crazy dads protecting their daughters from us to the hotel stay in Ohio (Elliott knows what I’m talking about) These memories have been amazing. I will never forget in Texas chillin at the uhal place jammin with some friends, driving getting stuck in some of the craziest weather and all the crazy times in Cali.
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyyAlso thank you so much to everyone who has ever supported us, bought/downloaded a cd or merch or came to a show. you have no idea how much everything meant to us. Our fans were amazing! You guys stuck with us through all the bullshit member changes and everything. I feel terrible we were unable to give you guys another Cd. but i guess its like everyone says all good things much come to an end..
Thank you so much everyone,Love and never forget
Dylan, Mark, Jon, Michael, Brent, Jason, Austin, Loniel, bennett
If anyone is interested, I believe the only people who will be continuing playing music will be myself (Mike) and our drummer Brent. Brent has found a band in Florida he is playing with. They Don’t have a name right now but I’m sure once they get things going you will see more from them. As far as myself i a looking for new members to start a new project with. If anyone is interested hit me up on the band space.
Also this comes from everyone int he band I know we have always wanted to talk about this to new upcoming musicians. If you are in a band or starting a new band please please please don’t feel like you need to play the trendy music in the scene or try and sign to the trendy labels. be different be weird be yourself. We were hoping to record another album to show you more than whats offered right now. Start a new scene stop feeding to this oversaturated one.