Of Mice & Men 2017 -promokuva

Of Mice & Men julkaisi musiikkivideon kappaleestaan ”How To Survive”

Kirjoittanut Nicole Hellberg - 6.3.2019
Of Mice & Men 2017

Yhdysvaltalaisyhtye Of Mice & Men siirtyi viime syksynä studioon työstämään seuraavaa studioalbumiaan. Yhtyeeltä on nyt katsottavissa ”How To Survive” –ensisinglen tuore musiikkivideo. Bändin laulaja/basisti Aaron Pauley on kertonut omistavansa musiikkivideon niille ihmisille, jotka ovat kamppailleet elämässään vaikeiden asioiden kanssa:

How to Survive is an anthem for those who have been the receiving end of unmerited and targeted hatred and abuse. It’s for the kid who was bullied, beat up, and ignored in school. It’s for the teenager who was told that they’ll never amount to anything and that their thoughts, feelings, and opinions don’t matter to the world. It’s for the person who has been told that they’re worthless, useless, or not good enough, time and time again. It’s for the person who’s repeatedly been targeted by those who only seek to tear others around them down.”

”This song is for them. This song is for me. I am them, and I’m still standing. So, turn it up. Feel the rage. If you, too, are that person, you will know it well, and it will greet you like an old friend.”

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