Of Mice & Menin vokalisti sairaalaan sähköiskun seurauksena
Olemme aikaisemmin uutisoineet yhdysvaltalaisen metalcorea soittavan Of Mice & Menin vokalistin Austin Carlilen terveyteen liittyvistä ongelmista. Vuosi ei tunnu menevän miehellä kovinkaan putkeen sillä nyt Austin on saanut sähköiskun mikrofonista laulaessaan ja joutunut sen seurauksena sairaalaan. Voit lukea Austinin twiittauksia aiheesta tästä:
Spent the last 24 hours in hospital. I’ve been ”electrocuted” by mic, working, etc. before, but never to the extent of yesterday. Nothing
— Austin Carlile (@austincarlile) September 19, 2015
to show from it other than burns on my fingers. Lucky to be alive, but today feel like I was ran over by a truck. Close call for the heart.
— Austin Carlile (@austincarlile) September 19, 2015
”I’ve been shocked BEFORE by mic, working, etc”.. Meaning, I’ve been shocked by a mic, & while doing electrical work, and the ”etc.” was
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— Austin Carlile (@austincarlile) September 20, 2015
A reference to sticking a fork in toaster to get an eggo when I was a kid. I never said how in my tweets. Which is what the press made up.
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— Austin Carlile (@austincarlile) September 20, 2015
Of Mice & Men have been taking the rest of the year off to allow Carlile time to recover from surgery earlier this year brought on by complications of his struggles with Marfan Syndrome.