Oliver Sykes: ”Avioeroni inspiroi ”Amo”-albumin kappaleita”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 27.8.2018

Englantilainen elektronista rockia soittava Bring Me The Horizon julkaisee uuden ”Amo”-nimisen albuminsa tammikuun 11. päivä Columbia Recordsin kautta. Yhtyeen laulaja Oliver Sykes on antanut albumiin liittyen videohaastattelun NME:lle, jossa hän on paljastanut kaksi vuotta sitten tapahtuneen avioeron toimineen suurena innoittajana tulevan albumin kappaleisiin. Sykesin mukaan rakkaudesta oli helppo kirjoittaa konseptialbumi, kun se vaikuttaa niin moneen eri asiaan. Aiheesta Sykes kertoi seuraavaa:

”I went through a divorce a couple of years ago and I really didn’t wanna talk about it, ’cause I don’t want it to seem like I care, or I didn’t wanna dredge up the past. I didn’t wanna give the person the ’glory’ of writing stuff about that person and shit like that. But, after a while, it just became apparent that I kind of needed to — I needed to get it out of my system. It wasn’t the fact that I was still miserable or anything like that — I was fine — but at the same time, when you go through something traumatic, you carry a lot of stuff with you after it — a lot of mental baggage, a lot of things. Whatever happened in that situation, obviously, I took that on — maybe I started trusting people less, or started feeling a certain way. And it’s completely irrational — but you do. I’ve always said it as well — writing lyrics and making music is the most therapeutic thing. I’m really lucky in that sense, ’cause it’s the best way to get stuff out — to be able to write about it and then sing it on stage is the best way.”

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”There’s good stuff, there’s bad stuff, there’s weird stuff,” he said. ”It’s kind of more almost like a thinking piece on love and how it can affect you — not just you, but other people too. You go into a relationship and you come out of it, and people pick sides — there’s a pack mentality. Just a lot of stuff that I started thinking about — it’s quite interesting, actually. It’s also quite an easy way to write a concept album — to write about love — because everything boils down to love at the end of the day.”

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