Onnistuneen paluun keikkalavoille tehneeltä Neaeralta video ”Deathless”-kappaleesta

Saksalainen metalcorea soittava Neaera on julkaissut YouTubessa videon ”Deathless”-kappaleestaan. Kappale on peräisin yhtyeen omaa nimeä kantavalta albumilta, jonka julkaisu tapahtui Metal Blade Recordsin kautta. Voit katsoa Ben Liepeltin (Port Royal Films) ohjaaman videon tästä:
Yhtyeen laulaja Benjamin Hilleke on kertonut biisistä seuraavaa:
”One of the songs on our current album is called ’Deathless’, which deals with the topic of sexualised violence. According to UNIFEM it is estimated that 35 per cent of women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or sexual violence by a non-partner (not including sexual harassment) at some point in their lives. For anyone affected, we would like to hint at the following organizations:
– Unwomen.org – the help line of the Federal Office for Family Affairs
– Zartbitter .e.V. with whom we have already been able to work together in the past thanks to your helpfulness.”