Opeth lanseerasi oman oluen

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 8.12.2015

opeth1Ruotsalainen progressiivista rockia soittava ja ensi kesänä Suomessa ainakin kahteen otteeseen konsertoiva Opeth on lanseerannut oman oluen. Yhtyeen nimikko-olut on saanut nimekseen ”XXV Anniversary Imperial Stout” ja siinä on vahvuutta 9,2 %. Voit lukea yhtyeen vokalisti / kitaristi Mikael Åkerfeldtin viestin olueeseen liittyen sekä kuvan tuotteesta tästä:

“Even if we’re musicians firstly, we’re beer drinkers secondly. Kind of. Let me rephrase: We love beer. We love good beer. We’ve turned into culinary connoisseurs of late. Not too much snobbery however. We just love good food and drinks. So when we were approached by the fantastic Northern Monk brewery to do a Opeth signature beer we simply could not turn it down. But believe me, we’ve turned down zillions off offers to do alcoholic beverages with the Opeth logo on it. Northern Monk are great. They have great ideas and makes great beer.

They even invited Fredrik and Axe down to the brewery for a walkthrough of their premises in Leeds. Needless to say, they got both of them drunk, but we also managed to get our own brand of signature beer down to a tee. And Axe and Fredrik know their beer, from years of over-indulging. And now it’s ready. One is a top of the line Imperial stout that can be matured up to about 25 years. We’ll also have a lovely pale ale out in early 2016.

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I know we’re not the first band to do our own beer, and not the last. All I know is that it’s a top quality beer and I will certainly enjoy having my own little stash in the cooler for Christmas. Cheers! (Clonk!)”

Yhtyeen omaa olutta tullaan panemaan vain 1700 pulloa ja voit tilata pullon tai vaikka pari itsellesi tästä.

Opeth olut 2015

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