Opethilta uusi musiikkivideo ”Era” -kappaleesta

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 23.1.2017

Ruotsalaisen nykyisin progressiivista rockia soittava Opeth on julkaissut Youtubessa musiikkivideon ”Era” -nimisestä kappaleestaan. Kappale on peräisin yhtyeen uusimmalta ”Sorceress” -nimiseltä albumilta, joka ilmestyi syyskuun 30. päivä viime vuonna Nuclear Blastin kautta. Voit katsoa Markus Hofkon ohjaaman visuaalisen taideteoksen tästä:

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Opethin laulaja ja kitaristi Mikael Åkerfeldt on kommentoinut kappaleen musiikkivideota seuraavasti:

”I have to say our involvement in the making of the ’Era’ video was so minimal we can’t take credit either for or against its brilliance. We did 3D scans of our bodies (clothed) in Munich during the last European tour. I remember everyone’s extremely tired and probably slightly hungover. The director just placed us in a ice-cold room and then scanned us with something that looked like a flashing hairdryer. Done! We’ve done our part for the video. Next! During the process of finishing the piece it got clear to me that it really works with the song. That’s something I was involved in actually, picking the song. It’s extremely difficult. Which song to choose? How do I know what works best for this format? Well, I don’t. I picked a song from the record that has a strong chorus. Slightly old school way of thinking I guess, but ultimately it didn’t matter all that much to me. The video is nice. I dig it. It’s slightly on the pretentious side, but hey, works for me! And like I said, it really works with the overall vibe of the song. Lyrically and musically and definitely emotionally,”

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