Orange Goblin kitaristi ei esiinny yhtyeen kanssa Jalometallissa
Yhdysvaltalaisen heavy metallia soittavan Orange Goblinin kitaristi Joe Hoare on joutunut äkilliseen leikkaukseen jalastaan ja tämän seurauksena yhtye on kiinnittänyt uudeksi kitaristikseen meneillään olevalle Euroopan kiertueelleen oman kitarateknikkonsa Neil Kingsburyn. Lue lisää nähdäksesi yhtyeen viesti asiaan liittyen.
“We regret to report that the injury Joe sustained to his Achilles’ tendon yesterday is far more serious than first feared. Joe completed yesterday’s show in Calenzano, Italy and was then taken to hospital in an ambulance where they confirmed that he has completely ruptured his Achilles. He is now in a cast to his knee and is being flown home today where he will require emergency surgery to repair the tendon.
Orange Goblin will endeavour to complete the rest of the summer tour in Europe with guitar tech and good friend Neil Kingsbury filling in on guitar. We thank Neil for taking this on at such short notice and hope you will come out and support him.
We wish Joe a safe journey home, a successful operation and a very, speedy recovery. Please leave him get well messages here to cheer him up.Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy“What doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger in the long run.” – Stand For Something (Orange Goblin)”