Oranssi Pazuzu

Oranssi Pazuzu juhlistaa 10-vuotista taivaltaan: uudelleenjulkaisuja ja uusi EP

Kirjoittanut Teemu Hakala - 10.3.2017
Oranssi Pazuzu

Kotimaassa ja ulkomaillakin mainetta niittänyt Oranssi Pazuzu juhlistaa kymmenvuotista taivaltaan uudelleenjulkaisemalla levykatalogiaan. Bändin kaikki täyspitkät uudelleenjulkaistaan vinyylinä. Myös kappaleet vuoden 2010 splitiltä Candy Canen kanssa pääsevät omalle ”Farmakologinen” EP:lle uudelleenmasteroituina. Bändi aikoo julkaista myös täysin uuden 10″ EP:n.

Levyn kappaleet ei tosin aivan uusia ole. ”Kevät” on vuoden 2013 levyn ”Valonielu” nauhoituksista yli jäänyt ja ”Värimyrsky” on ollut tekeillä jo pitkään.

Uudelleenjulkaisut on ennakkotilattavissa täältä ja uusi EP on saatavilla bändin tulevilla keikoilla.

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[aesop_content color=”#ffffff” background=”#333333″ columns=”1″ position=”none” imgrepeat=”no-repeat” floaterposition=”left” floaterdirection=”up” revealfx=”off”]So it’s 2017, which means the Orange Spirit of the Wind is now ten years into the existence. We are celebrating by touring the Mental Possession MMXVII, but also by recovering some old sounds to please your record playing habits.

During the last few years we have had many people asking from us about the availability of our earlier albums, the vinyl versions of both and also the debut cd being sold out for some time now. We have been promising a repress basically since 2011, when the vinyls first came out, and we are very happy to say this is finally being realized.

To us both Muukalainen puhuu and Kosmonument nowadays sound something like a different band, but they still embody many of our principal musical ideas in songs like Korppi or Kaaos hallitsee. A shorter chapter – but at least for us an important one – in our early evolution was the four song session we did for a split album with Tampere underground friends Candy Cane in 2010. These songs were going for a more metallic sound after the trippier debut, and they would probably have fitted among Kosmonument cuts nicely. They are now reissued as a standalone 12” EP, remastered for a better sound quality.

And to keep our minds away from digging the old stuff only, we are also releasing a 10” vinyl EP containing two new songs. Although not “new” in every sense of the word – the first song ‘Kevät’ was recorded during Valonielu sessions in 2013, but left out from the album because it’s darker mood didn’t quite seem to fit in with the other songs’ more cosmic approach. The second, ‘Värimyrsky’, is also an older and more nihilistic one, that we have been playing with for a long time, and now finally decided to record it in our home cave with the help from our Brother-in-Wastement Jussi Saarivuori. The 10” EP was mixed and mastered by Jaime Gomez Arellano and will be available at the upcoming shows.

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Turn off, tune out, dive in!

Oranssi Pazuzu


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