Orbit Culture ammensi ”Descent”-kappaleen videolle inspiraatiota Dune-elokuvasta
Ruotsalainen metalliyhtye Orbit Culture julkaisi perjantaina uuden ”Descent”-albumin, minkä kunniaksi bändi tarjoilee musiikkivideon sen nimikkokappaleesta. Orbit Culture sai inspiraation videon tunnelmaan Dune-elokuvasta. Yhtye kiertää levyn tiimoilta Englantia Triviumin ja Bleed From Withinin lämmittelijänä.
Bändin laulaja-kitaristi Niklas Karlsson kertoi videon teosta sekä albumista:
”With the video for ‘Descent,’ you are fully engaged in the madness. It’s the pillar of feeling disgusted and chained by your own obsessive desires, whatever it may be. You are stuck in your own castle of self hate.
We wanted this album to sound as big and aggressive as possible, while maintaining a pleasant listening experience. I took a lot of inspiration from the movie Dune, not because of the story or anything, but because the combination of imagery and music created this vast picture and we wanted to convey that epic feel with this new album.
Spread over the whole album is of course, once again, a lot of metaphors. In reality, it’s just about being more closed up and defensive about the things you feel as you’re descending into madness. However, at the end of the album, being defensive was all along just being caring for your closest ones. It was better to walk alone and destroy yourself, rather than bring down anyone else trying to help you. It’s dark and it’s raw, but it’s only a perspective of me seeing the world at certain times of the year, and it helps to get it out there once in awhile.”Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen Mainos päättyy
Artikkelikuva: Oscar Dziedziela