Overkill siirtymässä studioon toukokuussa nauhoittamaan seuraavaa albumiaan

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 20.4.2016

Overkill 2015New Jerseystä tuleva thrash metal -veteraani Overkill on siirtymässä studioon toukokuussa aloittamaan tulevan albuminsa nauhoituksia. Yhtyeen vokalisti Bobby ”Blitz” Ellsworth on paljastanut asian Metal Wanin tuoreessa haastattelussa kertoen samalla albumin tämän hetkisestä tilanteesta seuraavaa:

”Well, so far, there’s eleven songs demoed musically. I’m working on those eleven. Five are fully completed. I have stuff for three others. So we’re in the process of looking at scheduling drums for May. So it’s moving along as we normally do.”

”I think that we have a real blue-collar-type work ethic; when we say we’re gonna complete something, we do that. And this has been not just for this record, but through our history. So when it starts, it goes right to the finish. So we’re right one month from starting drums right now.”

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Blitz on samaisen haastattelun yhteydessä kertonut yhtyeen tulevan albumin suuntauksesta seuraavaa:

”I never can really tell until it’s done. I mean, that’s always the surprise for me. I know even before we start the record it’s gonna be an OVERKILL record. But when it’s taking shape, I can’t say it feels like this or it feels like that. It’s more the more current OVERKILL. And what I mean by that is that it’s got that ’Ironbound’, ’The Electric Age’, ’White Devil Armory’ feel to it, with the way especially the drums have been written. And I think that’s probably the only characteristic that is solid right now in this opinion, because everything else has changed around, which is kind of cool at this point.”

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