Overkillin uusi albumi on saanut alustavan julkaisupäivän lokakuulle

Kirjoittanut Jyri Kinnari - 20.3.2016

Overkill 2015Thrash metal -veteraani Overkill on viime aikoina työstänyt uutta albumia. Laulaja Bobby Ellsworth kertoo Metaleaterin haastattelussa yhdentoista kappaleen olevan kirjoitettuna ja niiden demoversiot äänitettynä. Uuden albumin julkaisupäiväksi on sovittu alustavasti ensi lokakuun 28. päivä ja julkaisu tulee tapahtumaan Nuclear Blastin kautta. Lisäksi Overkillin juhlakeikka huhtikuun 16. päivänä Saksassa tullaan kuvaamaan ja julkaisemaan DVD:nä. Yhtye soittaa tuolloin kokonaisuudessaan ”Feel the Fire” ja ”Horrorscope” -klassikkoalbumit.

”We’re fully demoed at this point. We’re talking eleven songs right now that I’m holding. It should be a few more after this. We’re usually ten flat when we release a record. There may be a bonus track or two. But they’re fully demoed. We’re scheduling drums for right after a European tour that’s coming up. We leave the end of March and come back towards the end of April.”

”We’re gonna do a DVD in Germany, record two records for live release during this tour. We’re gonna be doing a record called ’Horrorscope’ and our first record, ’Feel The Fire’. We’re gonna do it in DVD format, in download format, in CD and vinyl, etc. etc.”

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”We’re gonna come out, we’re gonna do ’Horrorscope’, and then we’re gonna take fifteen minutes to realize how old we are and talk about whether we can actually do the second half of the show. We’re gonna start downing Red Bulls and vodka, and then shoot back out to the stage after a ten- or fifteen-minute interlude where we’re gonna have some videos playing of the band while they recorded the ’Horrorscope’ record, and then go out and do ’Feel The Fire’ in its entirety. So it’s quite a unique night. And we’re not doing it the entire tour; we’re doing it at one show. So we thought it was kind of unique to do that.”

”For me, it’s kind of cool to go out and be doing live shows as the record is taking form, because it translates into the writing. You know, when you’re doing shows and then you’re finishing shows off — my end of the songs, which are the melodies and the lyrics — I can kind of infuse that natural energy into it, if I was just most recently on stage. It’s not feigned then; it’s my last memory of the band, and I really try to live in the present and the near past. So I really look forward to touring while writing.”

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