Ozzy Osbourne muistelee Lemmy Kilmisteriä: ”Hän oli sankarini”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 30.12.2015

Ozzy Osbourne 2015Rocklegenda Black Sabbathin vokalisti Ozzy Osbourne lukeutui siihen harvaan joukkoon, joka tunsi Motörheadin vokalisti / basisti Lemmy Kilmisterin aina Hawkwindin ajoista alkaen eli kaiken kaikkiaan yli neljän vuosikymmenen ajan. Ozzy on nyt antanut RollingStone.com:lle haastattelun, jossa on muistellut edesmennyttä ystäväänsä Lemmy Kilmisteriä. Voit lukea Ozzyn muistokirjoituksen Lemmylle tästä:

”All I’ve done since I heard the news [of Lemmy’s death] was reflect on the times we had together. He was a good guy, a very good friend of mine. I’m still in some shock.

”I phoned him up two days ago, and I couldn’t make out one word he was saying. Yesterday, I got a text from his manager saying, ’Lemmy’s on the way [out], and he wants to see some of his friends.’ So my wife and I were just about leaving the door and the text came saying he’d gone. It shook me up bad. We were like, ’Wow.’ He must have been suffering for a while. You know, he’s 70. He lived the rock and roll lifestyle to the max, but still it’s sad when you lose a friend like that.

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”He was a character. There ain’t many characters in music today. I mean, you’ve got Miley Cyrus, okay, but there’s not many characters in the game anymore. But he was definitely a character. An original. He lived the lifestyle. Sex, drugs and rock and roll, that was Lemmy.

”You know what? There goes a hero for me. He was my hero. He was fucking great, a good friend. I’m missing him already. I’ll never forget him. I don’t think a lot of people will forget Lemmy. He’ll be so missed in my camp. He was a good guy, a good man, a good friend of mine. He was just a fucking great dude, man. Not enough time for him.”

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