Ozzy Osbourne Zakk Wyldesta: ”Hän on yksi parhaista ystävistä, joita minulla on koskaan ollut”

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 6.11.2019

Englantilainen pimeyden prinssi Ozzy Osbourne on julkaisemassa koko soolouransa niputtavaa ”See You On The Other Side” -nimistä vinyyliboksia marraskuun 29. päivä Sony Musicin kautta. Osbourne on antanut kokoelmaansa liittyen hiljattain haastattelun, jossa hän on kertonut yhteistyöstään eri kitaristien kanssa vuosien saatossa. Osbourne nimeää omaksi suosikikseen Randy Rhoadsin, jonka kanssa hän työskenteli ”Blizzard Of Ozz”- ja ”Diary Of A Madman” -albumeilla ennen Rhoadsin kuolemaa vuonna 1982. Osbourne innostuu haastattelussa myös kehumaan nykyistä kitaristiaan Zakk Wyldeä, joka on Osbournen omien sanojen mukaan yksi hänen parhaista ystävistään. Osbourne kertoi kitaristeistaan seuraavaa:

”Well, Randy Rhoads was the best. If I had to say which one of the guitar players you’d rather work with, who was the most musically trained, it was Randy, because he could write, he could read, he could play, he taught at his mother’s school, and he had patience with me. And he would work with me, as opposed to me having to work on top of what he put down. It was fun! Then he got tragically killed. And I’ll never forget it as long as I live. That story, we all know now. But, I mean, he was only a young man. He was in his early twenties. It just doesn’t seem right… I’m 70 years of age and it’s so sad when you think the guy got killed so early. And then there was Jake E. Lee, he was another great player. But then, Zakk is somewhere else, man! That guy gets faster and faster. Zakk has been with me longer than any guitar player ever! He’s been with me the longest and is one of the greatest friends I’ll ever have. He is a family member to me. I mean, if I ever really needed him for anything, I could phone him up and he’d say, ’I’ll be there in five minutes.’ And vice-versa. Zakk’s a hard-working guy. He works his balls off.”

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