Painilta uusi albumi kesäkuussa

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 17.3.2011

Ruotsalainen industrial metallia soittava Pain on asettanut uuden albuminsa nimeksi ”You Only Live Twice”. Albumi julkaistaan kesäkuun 3. päivä Nuclear Blast Recordsin kautta. Lue lisää nähdäksesi Peter Tägtrenin virallinen kommentti albumin nimeen liittyen.

„It has nothing to do with James Bond,“ he smiles. „I am sure i will hear this for the rest of my life! The title song is mainly about people struggling. Don’t you wish you had another chance. Dont you wanna live twice? Like you’re always jealous of other people. How good their life is or they won on lotto or anything. Its about jealousy in general towards other people that surrounds you. About not being satisfied with what you have. Trying to create this fantasy world that you can live twice kind of…“

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