Paleface Swiss julkaisi musiikkivideon ”Hatred”-singlelle – Uusi albumi tulossa tammikuussa

Kirjoittanut Ingeborg Roos - 27.9.2024

Deathcore-yhtye Paleface Swiss on julkaissut Kris Jacobin ohjaaman musiikkivideon ”Hatred”-singlelleen. Yhtyeen kolmannen pitkäsoiton ”Cursed” -albumin julkaisuajankohdaksi kerrotaan 3. tammikuuta. Vokalisti Marc “Zelli” Zellweger kertoo kappaleesta:

“When you’re a kid growing up, you’re happy and you think everything is cool, but nowadays, every time you open your phone, it’s just a flood of negativity. We’re bombarded with so much bad news every day that finding anything positive feels nearly impossible.

Hatred’ is us venting our frustration about the things we can’t change. It may not be as deep as the other tracks on the album, but it’s for everyone who’s fed up with the constant negativity in the world. For the music video, we wanted to keep it simple and raw—a no-nonsense, old-school performance video with us going as hard as we can in a room. There are, however, a few easter eggs hidden in there that will make more sense as we release more videos from this album.”

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