Paluun tehnyt Destroyers uuden albumin kimpussa
Paluun heavy- ja thrash metal-skeneen tehnyt Destroyers on työstämässä materiaalia uudelle albumille 25 vuoden tauon jälkeen. Bändin viimeisimmän ”The Miseries of Virtue” -täyspitkän julkaisusta on ehtinyt vierähtää jo 28 vuotta. Yhtyeen vokalisti Marek Loza kommentoi asiaa seuraavasti:
“We are making sketches of new songs right now. Some of those ideas spent many idle years in my drawer, others we create anew. During band’s initial years I’ve also played bass guitar, so I try to compose new songs on my old 4-string and record it right away. Wojtek, our drummer, also has many ideas – so do original guitarist Adam and current bass player Bolo, who were musically active all these years. After we bring all those elements together, something cool may come out of it, I think.”