Panteran basisti Rex Brown julkaisemassa tulevaa sooloalbumiaan toukokuussa
Yhdysvaltalaisesta metallin legendasta Panterasta tuttu basisti Rex Brown on julkaisemassa tulevaa sooloalbumiaan toukokuussa 2017. Rex on kertonut Eddie Trunkin luotsaamalle radio-ohjelmalle aiheesta ja kertonut levyn suuntauksesta seuraavaa:
”I went to [the] NAMM [convention in Anaheim, California] last year, and I have a really good friend, this songwriter, Lance Harvill — a great songwriter and just killer guitar player. And we started putting together songs. And it’s just one of those things, I feel free again.”
”Man, I’m a musician number one, and doing this thing on my own and being an artist is what I’ve wanted to do for a long time. So I’m just letting the wind blow, buddy. That’s all you can do. And the material on this is as good as anything I’ve ever done.”