Papa Roachin Jacoby Shaddix paljastaa retkahtaneensa huumeisiin koronapandemian aikana

Kirjoittanut Arto Mäenpää - 17.3.2021

Yhdysvaltalaisen rockyhtye Papa Roachin laulaja Jacoby Shaddix kävi aikoinaan pitkän taistelun huumeita vastaan ja on pysynyt selvänä jo useiden vuosien ajan, kunnes koronapandemia sai hänet hetkellisesti takaisin pahoille teille. Shaddix on tuoreessa Hardcore Humanism With Dr. Mike podcastin haastattelussa paljastanut retkahtaneensa polttelemaan kannabista koronan aikana, ja vaikka sen polttaminen Kalifornian osavaltiossa on täysin laillista ja osa käyttää sitä lääkkeenä, kertoo Shaddix, ettei aine sovellu hänelle, koska se saa hänet aina eristäytymään muusta maailmasta. Shaddix kertoi taistelustaan seuraavaa:

“Just to be straight with you, I, during the pandemic, I fell off the wagon and I was smoking pot. And I was just, you know, I just got caught up and depressed, you know, depressed and just stuck in this space. And I wasn’t working an active program of recovery. And I found myself with a joint in my mouth, you know? And yeah, it’s legal in California. And yes, it is medicine to some people, but it’s not to me. Anytime, I put any kind of mind altering substance in my body, there’s like this veil that gets dropped on me and just kind of like isolates me from the world.

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“When I was with my brothers in recovery, I was like, ‘Hey, man, this what I’ve been up to, I need help, dude, I need it. I need help getting myself back out of this. Because…I knew I was getting closer. You know, I told my guys, you know, ‘Well, at least I didn’t drink,’ you know, and they’re like, ‘Well, yeah, that’s good. That is good, Cobe. But you were heading straight towards it, homey. Like, that’s where you are going. And that was a really hard realization, but a good realization for me to have – is to really understand like, I was feeding the bad wolf.”

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