Peripheryltä uusi EP
Yhdysvaltalainen djent -yhtye Periphery viimeistelee uutta EP:tä. Levy tulee sisältämään vanhempaa materiaalia kuin myös aivan uutta. Bändi myös kirjoittaa materiaalia uutta studioalbumia varten. Lue lisää nähdäksesi yhtyeen keulahahmo Misha Mansoorin kommentit asiasta.
I am really happy to announce that Periphery is well into the writing process for our upcoming EP. We have tracked most of the instrumentation and vocals and are making final tweaks on everything but you guys are in for a treat. There will be some re-tweaked material, some rare material and some brand new material on it so there will be something for everyone.
We have also been working on material for our second full-length now, so that we can have as much time to refine it before we record the final product. Be sure to check our MySpace and Facebook pages regularly for our updates. Our goal with our music is to cover as much ground as possible while staying true to our sound, and hopefully evolve from previous work all at once. It’s a tall order but a fun challenge nonetheless, and we are doing our best to ensure that the new material will fulfill that goal.
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