Pestilence 2017

Pestilence vaihtoi kitaristia – Myös uuden albumin kansitaide vaihtoon plagioinnin seurauksena

Kirjoittanut Teemu Esko - 15.11.2017
Pestilence 2017

Hollannista ponnistava death metal -yhtye Pestilence vaihtaa kitaristia. Yhtyeeseen viime vuonna liittynyt Santiago Dobles ei henkilökohtaisista syistä pääse esiintymään yhtyeen kanssa, mutta hänen soittoaan tullaan kuulemaan vielä maaliskussa ilmestyvällä ”Hadeon”-albumilla. Santiagon korvaajaksi on nimetty romanialainen Calin Paraschiv, joka soittaa bändin nykyisen rumpalin Septimiu Harsanin kanssa Necrovile-kokoonpanossa.

Voit lukea tästä nokkamies Patrick Mamelin esittelyn uudesta kitaristista:

“Calin is the right man for the job, a skilled and professional guitarist ready to tour across the world.
Rehearsing together with Septimiu is a big plus, so the choice was an easy one to make.”

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Pestilence aloittaa tammikuun lopussa yli 30 päivää kestävän ”Fight the Plague” -kiertueen, joka tulee keskittymään yhtyeen vanhaan materiaaliin.

Yhtyeen kahdeksas studioalbumi ”Hadeon” julkaistaan ensi vuoden maaliskuussa Hammerheart Recordsin kautta. Aiemmin julkaistusta kansitaiteesta on yllättävän takaiskun seurauksena jouduttu luopumaan. Triple Seisin tuottama kansitaide osoittautui muualta kopioiduksi, mikä tuli ilmi ulkopuolisten tahojen huomautuksista.

Pestilence tiedottaa aiheesta:

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Cover artwork for ”Hadeon” cancelled

Last week we proudly presented the artwork for ”Hadeon”, the new album by legendary Death Metal band Pestilence. This, in itself, fantastic artwork was created by Triple Seis, a company specialized in artwork for Metal bands (they did many artwork related things before we contacted them) based in Ecuador. In the past months Patrick Mameli shared his thoughts on what ”Hadeon” needed to look like when put into art, and Triple Seis created it. Hammerheart Records made a contract and paid a pretty decent amount of money to become the owner of this artwork, so we could use it for all releases and products we wanted to use it on/for. We were very pleased on how this turned out…

Then… Upon its publication we started to receive messages that several parts of this artwork were stolen and copied into this design. The messages were not merely rumours, but they were true! We were shocked when we were shown how obviously and without shame this was done, we were left in disbelief. Both Hammerheart Records and Pestilence had never experienced anything like this before, and we find it totally objectionable.

We hereby declare that we have to cancel this artwork, we sincerely apologize to all the people/companies whose artwork was used without permission. We did not know this and we would never ever support this. We like to make it 100% clear that we do not support any of these “work” ethics done by Triple Seis and have returned the artwork to them in full and we will remove all announcements and links related to this artwork to the best of our abilities. Needless to say that this effects our hard work, we are not finished yet for a release of ”Hadeon”. We need to switch to solving this problem.

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”Hadeon” will see the light of day, the release date is still March 2018. We will not give in and continue our journey to World Domination in 2018. We find great consolation in the support of the Pestilence legions supporting us worldwide, thanks a lot!

As soon as we have the new artwork to show we will make an announcement.

Patrick Mameli, Pestilence
Guido Heijnens, management Pestilence, Hammerheart Records

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