Phil Campbell & The Bastard Sons esiintyi Tampereella – keikalta katsottavissa fanin kuvaamia videoita

Kirjoittanut Minttu Koskinen - 25.2.2017

Motörhead -kitaristi Phil Campbellin luotsaama Phil Campbell & The Bastard Sons -yhtye esiintyi Tampereen Klubilla tällä viikolla. Nyt tuolta keikalta on nähtävillä Youtube-käyttäjä Nalle Östermanin kuvaamia videoita, joissa bändi esittää omien kappaleidensa lisäksi Motörheadin ”Ace Of Spades”-, ”Eat The Rich”- sekä ”Going To Brazil” -kappaleet.

KaaosTV:n haastattelussa laulaja Neil Starr kertoi bändin nimeä kantavasta debyyttijulkaisusta:

”The reason it’s an EP is we can get that done quicker. We wanted to give people some music to hear that was our own music, some music of our own that we can play live as well. So the idea was to get something done as quick as possible. It keeps the fans interested in the band, because there’s new songs to keep it fresh. And it’s great for us, ’cause we get to write more songs all the time. Todd, who’s in the band, has his own recording studio, so it’s really easy for us to just go in and do what we wanna do whenever we want, which is great.

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”You know what you’re gonna get, because Phil Campbell is the riff god. So you hear these Motörhead riffs; Phil wrote a lot of those songs. So there’s elements of that gonna be coming through in the music. Obviously, personally, I wouldn’t ever want to try and be like Lemmy and his style that he does, because that’s one person who does that, and that’s him. You don’t try and do that. I bring my own style to the band, but, obviously, yeah, there’s lots of really great riffs in the songs, like you would expect from a band that’s got Phil Campbell in it. It’s just rock and roll music, I guess.”

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Uutiskuva: Youtube-video

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