Plaguestorm julkaisi animoidun lyriikkavideon

Kirjoittanut Niko Kuusela - 19.5.2021

Argentiinalainen death metal-sooloartisti Plaguestorm on julkaissut uuden animoidun lyriikkavideon kappaleesta ”Purifying Fire” verkkoon. Biisi on artistin tulevalta studioalbumilta, joka julkaistaan kesäkuun 4. päivä Noble Demonin kautta. Sebastiían Pastor kommentoi:

”The title track of the album is a song with many changes of rhythm and full of melodies. It begins with quite an epic introduction, but soon everything gets out of control and the speed and blast beats arrive. It is a fast and aggressive song, but at the same time quite emotional, since it’s packed with melancholic melodies and many clean, but also fierce vocals. The lyrics are about the fires that have occurred in recent years in many parts of the world. Sometimes I do think that those who cause these great fires will make everything burn, burning ourselves, some people do not understand that their own actions are counterproductive for ourselves. Beyond all the damage, nature always prevails.”


Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeenMainos päättyy

01. Evolution Towards the Edge
02. Back to Zero
03. Purifying Fire
04. Never Learn
05. You Against the World
06. Close to Nowhere
07. No Farewell
08. Blind and Weak
09. Burning Paradise

Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeenMainos päättyy