Poison-rumpali paljasti sairastavansa syöpää
Legendaarisen hard rock -yhtye Poisonin rumpali Rikki Rocket on kertonut käyneensä läpi kemoterapia- ja sädehoitoja viime kesänä todetun suusyövän poistamiseksi. Mies paljasti sairautensa 14. joulukuuta SiriusXM-radikanavan haastattelussa. Helmikuussa tehtävä PET-skannaus vahvistaa hoidon tulokset. Voit lukea Rikki Rocketin mietteet ikävän aiheen tiimoilta tästä:
Rocket kertoi kyseessä olevan hyvin samantyyppinen kasvain kuin tänä vuonna syövän selättäneellä Bruce Dickinsonilla:
Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen
Mainos päättyy
”[In] June, I kind of got sick. I had this horrible cold, sore-throat thing, and they were scoping me and they were doing biopsies, and nothing was coming up. And finally a doctor at USC did a biopsy and took a look and he said, ’I believe you have oral cancer.’ And what it was is a tumor at the base of my tongue… This is very similar to Bruce Dickinson [IRON MAIDEN], very similar to [actor] Michael Douglas, similar to Tom Hamilton [AEROSMITH], as far as I know; I don’t know the details of his. And two adjacent lymph nodes that it kind of… Normally, it does spread to the lymph nodes; that’s typical. That’s how you find out you have it ninety percent of the time.”
Kaikesta huolimatta rumpali on pysynyt hyvässä kunnossa. Eniten miestä on harmittanut rakkaiden jujitsu-harjoitusten jättäminen väliin:
”I hit one week where I didn’t leave the house, but besides that, my trainer would call me… I couldn’t do jiu-jitsu anymore, which was the thing that really killed me, because of the skin infection that you can get, rolling on the mats and stuff. Rock and roll is my passion, but jiu-jitsu is kind of my lifestyle, you know what I mean? It’s like I see those guys almost every day for the last seventeen years, and I had to just cut it all out completely. But they were very supportive. I mean, I had those guys text me — my jiu-jitsu guys — almost every day: ’How are you doing?’ ’How are you feeling?’ ’Do you need us to come up there and drive you down?’ I kind of retreated a little bit. I’m, like, ’I’m gonna make it a little bit all about me, except for the kids, but the rest of everything I’m gonna do, I’m just gonna focus on me.'”