Post-metal -yhtye Amenra julkaisi uuden kappaleen tulevalta albumiltaan

Belgialainen post-metal -yhtye Amenra julkaisee uuden ”Mass VI” -albuminsa 20.10.2017 Neurotic Recordings -yhtiön kautta. Yhtye on nyt julkaissut kuunneltavaksi uuden kappaleensa “Plus Près De Toi (Closer To You)”. Yhtyeen solisti Colin H. van Eeckhout kommentoi kappaletta:
“The song is about a profound longing, a sadness you carry within. Solitude. The journey to come closer to the people, and things you loved and you miss. A melancholy hymn. Inspired by a translation of a 19th-century Christian hymn, “Nearer To God To Thee.” It made sense to write and sing in French. Those words felt like they had more poetic outcome, than the English substitute. By using French and Flemish on this album, I felt like I could keep it a little closer to home, to our hearts. It’s a part of our heritage.”